

CARE to Win + ProHabits

“Just because we know
what to do, doesn’t mean
we will make it happen”

Change happens one step at a time.

ProHabits nudges prompt the CARE behaviors you want to see. Over time those behaviors accumulate and create the outcomes, personal & professional, that you care about most.

Want to put CARE into Action?
Sign Up to the CARE to Win + ProHabits way.

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ProHabits helps you level-up.

ProHabits is an easy tool that helps you build better habits. It unlocks your potential by translating business strategy and professional development into quick MicroActivities.

“James Clear states that if you improve 1% each day, you will be thirty-seven times better by the end of the year.” By intentionally and consistently making CARE a set of daily habits, these small daily changes will lead to a significant transformation over time.”

- Alex Draper

Alex Headshot Cut out@2x

What you can do with ProHabits

Learn by doing

Take small actions that lead to bigger goals.

Share stories

Tell others about what you did, what happened, or what you learned.

Interact with others

React to your teammates’ stories with encouragements.

Track your progress

Review your completed activities and track your journey.

“The CARE Equation is exactly what high-performing leaders need to build high-performing teams. Commit to practicing CARE daily, and you’ll be rewarded with higher engagement and retention.”

- Shep Hyken, New York Times Bestselling Author, The Amazement Revolution

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